Saturday, February 6, 2010

Disney Day by Day Day3 Magic Kingdom

Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom, Walt D...
Image via Wikipedia

Yea breakfast Blah Blah not good should of had a peanut butter sandwich.  Off to the park We had to wait for the second bus this morning and luckly it arrived just as we were getting to the bus stop.  I had to stand but my wife and child had a seat all the way to the Magic Kingdom.  Now I'm going to share a secret there is a website that sales plans to the magic kingdom.   Toruing Plans .com is wonderful site and is worth the price of the membership.  I used the plan both days at the Magic Kingdom and we got a chance to ride nearly everything my son could ride.   One tip we used the Dumbo or Death two day plan and it was great.

I'm not going to list everyride we rode just understand we had a chance to ride everything in fantasy land, adventure land, the steamboat, watched two parades and had lunch.

Lunch was at the Liberty Tree Tavern where we dinned on a nice family style lunch.  My son got to meet Chip, Dale, Minnie mouse, and Pluto.  He was happy and ate a fair amount of the plate we were served.  The dessert was nice and I'm going to start Disney rant 3.  Every meal on the meal plan has a  dessert and being diabetic and really don't need 2 desserts a day.  but If  I didn't eat it I would have felt like I had not gotten the value of the meal plan.  They really need one that offers an appetizer or some other option.  End rant

We tried to stay for the fire works but we were just to tired and went back to Pop Century.

A quick note the Dumbo Ride has a long wait.  Really a much longer wait then it deserves.  Instead of waiting for dumbo go to adventure land and ride the Aladdins Magic Carpet is much shorter or at least it was on our visit and is nearly the same ride.  Also When you first get to the park Fastpass pooh and then when you can Fastpass Petterpan's flight while you waiting for your fast time ride on pooh catch Small World, or Snow White booth are quick moving lines.

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